Home Essential Kit Starter Course
Bringing balance, vitality and focus back into your life
About the Programme
Do you want to learn how to use essential oils to bring about a healthier and more natural lifestyle?
Are you a bit overwhelmed with all the choice and unsure of where to start?
Would you like someone to show you an easy, practical way to get you started with 10 CPTG* essential oils for your own health and that of your whole family (100% *Certified Therapeutic Grade)?
What if you could be up and running with your new, healthy routine in just 10 days?
Join me on this starter course where we’ll be learning and implementing SIMPLE, healthy habits using only 10 essential oils and oil blends.
You will learn:
- A quick and effective morning routine that helps you feel more awake, grounded and ready to take on the day.
- Easy solutions to use throughout the day to manage mood, support your immune system and digestion.
- A simple yet luxurious evening routine that helps you unwind from the day and prepare you for a restful night’s sleep.
- A personal protocol designed for any specific health/emotional issues you would like to deal with.
- Confidence in your new tools (the oils!) and how to use them in your everyday life.

This course includes all of the following:
- 1 essential oils kit (9 x 15ml essential oils, 1 x5ml Deep Blue Oil blend, 1 petal diffuser)
- Videos that will take you through the basics of how essential oils work on both a physical and emotional level
- Videos specific to the 10 oils in the Home Essentials Kit and how to use and implement them into your life
- A 90-day action plan with follow-up and support
- 1 (30-minute) private wellness session with Maureen or the person who introduced you to this journey
Who would the course be suited for?
This course is for you if want to own a beautiful set of 100% Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils which will help you transform your health and wellbeing.
Learn and implement basic daily habits that will help you
Help manage your stress with natural products.
Enhance your emotional wellbeing with uplifting essential oils.
Use natural gifts of the earth to help your skin look and feel better.
Embrace the power and wonder of natural products.

About Maureen Fynes
My name is Maureen Fynes I am the owner of MF Wellness . I am on a mission to inspire people to get proactive about their health and wellbeing. Many people constantly feel fatigued, lack energy, experience mid- afternoon energy slumps, wake up feeling exhausted, have irregular sleep patterns and have regular colds and flus. The truth is, it doesn’t have to be that way.
I started on this journey when my own health started to suffer following a prolonged period of personal stress. I was fatigued, suffering from serious digestive issues and in general poor health. I was amazed that when I started to eat right, and exercise moderately, and use natural products including essential oils how my health started to recover. I went on to look at other areas of my life and implement strategies to ensure that I got enough rest and managed my stress levels; I regained my energy and my weight (which had being creeping up gradually) returned to an optimal weight and one which I have being able to maintain since. I could not have done this without the help of a professional coach and I was so inspired I decided to become one.
I am a professional personal and executive coach, specialising in health coaching. Since becoming a health coach, I have facilitated so many people to implement a self-care plan that works with where they are in their life right now. I believe self-care is the cornerstone to good health and to living a happy fulfilled life.
Our health is truly our wealth and with current statistics predicting that 1 in 6 of us will have a serious illness by the time we are in our sixties, it has never been more important to look at our lifestyle, make sure that our eating and lifestyle habits are serving us and not having a detrimental effect on our health and well-being.
Get Started
Let me help you find your way with the essential oils and a healthy lifestyle plan!
We are the sum of our daily habits. Sustainable change isn’t about making BIG changes in your life, but rather finding ways to make small changes that you can repeat every day to form easy, healthy habits that work for you. Getting to know how and what works best for you and then capitalise on this knowledge is in my experience the key to success. Let me help you find your way with the essential oils and a healthy lifestyle plan! .