Welcome to your course


You have just taken your first step towards a healthier life and entered into the powerful world of essential oils! 

Some practical information to get you set up for our 10-day course:


Booking your private wellness session

The sooner you get your private session in, the sooner we can get your personalised protocol together. This is helpful and important to you so that we can make sure that we’re addressing your specific needs. 

This is the link you use to book your session with me: 

Calendly link

If you’re doing the wellness session with someone else, please contact them directly.

Go on, just do it now and then it’s done! ☺

I can’t wait to get started with you and hope that you are as excited as me for the change that is about to happen in your life! Great work so far – the 1st step is always the hardest. ☺

With love,

Maureen  xx