90 day wellness plan

Integrating essential oils in our life

It is time to set your own goals!

We have now moved through the course. You have gotten a basic understanding of how the oils work both on a physical and emotional level and hopefully you have started your own daily routine with the oils you have.

But usually we start this journey because of something specific we want to change, something we want to improve on or find another way with. Now is the chance to sink our teeth into that challenge – are you ready?!

Why a 90-day plan can be helpful:

If we only give ourselves a week or a couple of weeks to implement change and also expect to see the results, we usually leave ourselves short. Change can take time and often we need to be able to acknowledge the small steps and wins towards our bigger goal in order to keep at it. This is why I find that the 90-day plan works so well!

Each month you’ll aim to implement something new that is adding to the bigger goal you’re striving towards (and it doesn’t have to be a “big goal”, it can be something significant to you, like improving your sleep, your energy or perhaps finding a self-care routine that works for you). With the doTERRA products being delivered straight to your house, you won’t have to worry about not having the right tools at hand. AND after 90 days we’ll check in again to see what worked, what didn’t and where you’d like to go next 🙂 

Meanwhile you have the support of our community and can ask any questions you might have. It’s so much easier to reach a goal with support than on your own! 

What to do:

First of all, make sure you print out the 90-day planner pdf.

Click on the assessment and fill out the questions. Once this is done you’ll get an email each month asking you how you are getting on and also to see if you need any help. In the 3rd email you’ll get a reminder to book your 30 min wellness session (which is free!), either with me or with the person who has been guiding you through your doTERRA journey from the beginning. 

I would really encourage you to take advantage of these tools and the support offered here. Change can be tricky but when we do it together it’s that bit easier and who knows, you might even enjoy it 😉 

90 day wellness plan

With love,

Maureen xx